700,000+ Lose Power In California

Wow, What a series of storms that blew through the West Coast over the last week. It's finally calmed down and crews are cleaning up and restoring power to the over 700,000 that were down across California.

Energy resiliency is an oft discussed but frequently poorly executed strategy. It's not just Solar, or Batteries, or a Generator when your utility power goes down. It's how all three components work in tandem with each other, coupled with intelligent load shedding that can keep the lights on, the fridge cold and some semblance of heat to your home.

Architects and General Contractors should take the lead here. Designing and building an architecturally pleasing and functional home is your trade, and we encourage you to start the conversation by asking the questions below. Particularly in California.


If your power went out, what loads would you be OK with shedding? What's critical vs. a "nice to have"? How long should your system be designed to keep these essentials up and running? All critical questions that are the start of architecting an energy system that delivers power when and where you need, regardless of the grid's status.

This is what we do. We can help you plan this out very intelligently. Give us a call.



Solar Industry in Deep Trouble


PG&E - California’s Most Expensive Power Provider Impacts Large Custom Homes